Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blessings Keep Coming

I want to share with you how God is providing for the children of Gamodubu Child Care Trust. Last Saturday we had a day of fun and celebration as the generous people from Letshego donated 71,000 pula, which equals about 10,000 American dollars, to the center. The children enjoyed the day as they enjoyed a football tournament and entertainment from the local drama group.

Letshego acknowledged our need to care for the community when the Risk Compliance Director, Mothusi Ndebele, said, “It is clear that Government alone will not have sufficient resources to provide all social amenities that come with challenges posed by HIV/AIDS.” He said,  “It is up to you and me, Letshego and other corporate and organisations who have to rise to the occasion to assist by whatever small measure and to share in order to get closer to achieving the required goals.” Believe me this was not thought of as a "small measure."

Our hopes are to bring the center to the point that it can sustain itself. We are still faithfully believing for a facility, but in the meantime we are looking into the possibilities of brick molding, raising poultry, piggery, and beginning a bakery. The children are also raising vegetables and learning to make jewelry and crafts. Once the facility is built, we can also rent it out to the community for workshops, seminars, entertainment and recreation. The local paper, The Voice, covered the event as well. You can read their article here.

Steps are getting closer, we are gaining stride and this race to have the facility built on our property is being faced with determination and perseverance. Thank you again to Letshego and our many contributors. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Our Outreach

The ladies at Fresh Word Ministries have been so helpful to our project. Gloria Ross has taken our center under her wings and trying so hard to help us raise funds to build our facility. They even set up this blog so I can keep in touch with what God is doing here. But, I want to focus on someone other than me and the center this post.

Did you know that it only takes $40, in American dollars,  to feed a family of 6 a month? We feed so many children at the center, but we want to help those families around us in need as well.

This photo is of one household that we currently serve. They are from an unsound economical background. All these people are living under one roof mainly because of abject poverty. The granny is the only sole provider of the family. She is not employed and not benefiting from any form of social service. The issue of poverty is skyrocketing in the family. Lack of amenities such as toilets are immenint from the first sight.

I just want you to know that it is my desire to reach as many people here in Gamodubu as I can. We aren't just planting seeds into the children, but feeding the hearts of their families as well. Without us, what would they eat?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Beauty at It's Best

Do you see the beauty I see here?

When God provides, there is such beauty. So many children were fed today. So many provisions were made for my children. Look at their faces! Can you see the beauty in their hearts like I do? This is why I do the work. This is why I care. If one less child goes hungry, if one more child finds Jesus... my work is worth it all!

Isn't God good?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

God Provides

Many of my posts will be short, for there is much to do, but I want to let you all see how God is providing for my children. You see, I call them my children for I feel like they are my very own.

We are so happy with the food items donated to the center.

Our efforts are not only to feed these children, but to educate them as well. The Academy for Educational Development was so kind to honor us with the precious gifts of food for the children. We are so thankful they are seeing the needs of keeping these children well-fed.

Well-fed children learn so much better than those who are hungry. With the donations from the Academy of Educational Development, we can be assured these children can focus on learning rather than the emptiness so many are used to feeling in their stomachs.

Thank you God for using these wonderful people to provide our needs. I am already thinking of menus to prepare for "my" children.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Welcome to Gamodubu Childcare Trust

My name is Shirley Madikwe. I am the director of Gamodubu Childcare Trust located in the small town of Gamodubu in Botswana, Africa.
In 2005, I saw a need for the children in my community. Many were going hungry and other were orphaned or left abandoned all day to care for themselves while their families tried to earn enough money to barely survive.
I began feeding the local children once a week. Within a year I had over 100 children, many orphaned or infected with HIV/AIDS coming to receive meals.
We now feed over 135 children three meals a day. We provide activities through out the day and teach the children trades like gardening and jewelry making. I daily encourage and teach these children to depend on God and grow closer to Him.
We need to build a facility to, not only feed these children, but to also house many of the infants and children who are left abandoned with no one to care for them.
God is my provider and my strength. I have seen Him use many people of different races and cultures to bless this facility, the children and the work He has placed in my heart.
Please subscribe to this blog and keep up with the updates from the facility and the work God is doing in the lives of these children and their families. I am looking forward to being the messenger for the wonderful things God is doing here in Gamodubu.
If you would like to help, there is a link on the side of my blog where you can easily send a tax deductible donation to help support the work we do here with the children. Will you plant a seed today so that I can continue to feed the hearts of these beautiful children I call my own?